Frank DiMarco approaches his lighting designs with a lot of thought and passion. He has won over 30 Awards of Excellence for his landscape lighting design & installation. On his large projects, he may visit the site early in the morning (before sunrise), to check for dark areas; effects of street lights and neighboring light trespassing on the property. He will also come back at sunset to check the same conditions and watch how the light fades to darkness.  He will ask the principle owners, children, grandparents, caregivers and anyone else who uses the property, what their specific night time use is, before he begins to design the outdoor lighting. He will incorporate the ideas of the landscapers, landscape architects and builders to get a well rounded design. He also considers how the landscape lights will look when viewed from the main windows inside looking out. His objective is for the client to enjoy the lighting not only while outside but also while looking out into the night from inside the home.